Scaling starts with planning! Knowing what you think your business looks like is not really what your business is! I run into many owners/founders who say they want to scale when they really don't know or understand the complexity of the meaning of 'scaling' or the cost. It isn't just having a product or service you think everyone want or demands, it is about duplicating a process to produce a quality product on time at a profit. I hear 'I want to scale to have more revenue'. You may get more revenue from customers you don't want at the price you don't want, just to get enough momentum running through your company to establish a good process. Hmmm, you end up with no profit at the end.
So what gets in the way of scaling?
In summary, there is a bridge that needs to be built before we 'build to scale". It takes a clear roadmap, tracking, enough sales, and the right people to make your organization move enough to get to that next spot. You don't always need more people and more money, you do need energy and momentum. If you think about it - more people add complexity to drag you down before you even get a running start. Increase your profit margin before you start the journey for scaling.
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